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I am NOW offering an Essential Oils mini-assessment using at least 5 samples of essential oils. This assessment can help you to determine which oils have the most benefit for you! For $100 + HST, you will receive a mini-assessment along with a roller ball with fractionated coconut oil mixed with 10-12 drops of your choice of essential oils to take home! 

This assessment has shown to be helpful for people who have issues with pain or mood/anxiety/stress, or who are new to essential oils.

Youngevity Essential Oils - (U.S. Prices)

  • 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
  • Youngevity is a member of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)
  • Oils are organic, wild-crafted or ethically farmed; produced with the highest standard of quality and safety.
  • Oils are free from additives, extenders and chemicals.
  • Contain no animal products or animal testing.

Melaleuca Essential Oils

  • 100% pure oil extracted directly from the botanical plant source; oils are purity tested and quality guaranteed.
  • Oils are harvested using sustainable and ethical practices and are traceable to its source.
  • Guaranteed NOT to contain synthetics or impurities.

* Contact Anita to ask about how specific oils can help specific conditions or to schedule your essential oils mini-assessment.

ANITA BROWN - Counselling & Therapy

200 Dundas Street East - Suite 104, Belleville, ON K8N 1E3

613-394-0782 or 1-855-248-4544    

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